Use Case:

Using Clarative Fortune 500 marketing teams aim to cut speed to insight by 50% and discover trends they never thought to consider
A Fortune 500 online retailer uses Clarative's AI to help marketing analysts better understand product category performance by taking dashboard-level metrics, like CTRs, CPMs, and ROAS, and automatically drilling down into the second and third order causes of changes. Clarative proactively helps analysts surface key performance drivers such as search demand, SKU-level pricing changes, YoY keyword volume changes, shifts in conversion lag, supply chain information, and more.
Clarative is working with a large team of analysts that interact regularly with strategy and marketing business users that require insights across 100k+ tables and dashboards that source information across dozens of individual systems. Clarative was brought in to help analysts and non-technical stakeholder teams alike find the right data, build investigations, and share reports that drill into marketing performance without writing any code.
Marketing and pricing strategy stakeholders are able to rapidly find answers in relevant dashboards and files they previously were unaware of or didn’t have the training to correctly configure. Where new challenges require new investigations, stakeholders and analysts alike experience the benefits of AI-assisted, context-aware data investigation, analysis, and anomaly detection.
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